Thursday, July 11, 2013

Zombie Costumes For Sale Online Zombie Costumes At Low Prices

Zombie Costumes

Ring In the Zombie Apocalypse With a Zombie Costumes - 
After years of joking about how we would survive a zombie attack and hit movies like Zombieland, the zombie revival chicken has finally come home to its unholy roost.

The United States is in the beginning stages of an all-out zombie apocalypse.

It seems the heat of the summer months has turned seemingly normal house moms and homeless men into raging cannibalistic lunatics. On May 26th 2012, 31-year-old Rudy Eugene chewed off around 80% of an innocent man's face. On June 12th 2012, a New York woman stripped naked, started attacking her three-year-old son, and attempted to strangle her pit bull. Reports of psychotic violence have surged. These crazy happenings have the whole country asking "What the what?"

Looking at many news headlines about these incidents, the answer seems clear: bath salts. Bath salts are apparently "the new LSD" according to people familiar with the drug trade and "the coolest thing ever" according to those involved in the drug trade. The main ingredient is Methylenedioxypyrovalerone or MDPV. It is a designer drug also known by the street name "spice." This drug when sold on the street can cause outbursts and extreme reactivity, but is not known to promote cannibalism.

But, let's be honest. Bath salts? I mean, do they come in calming scents and help my mom relax after a long day? This sounds like something The Man made up to keep us from the truth. How easy it is to pin the blame on innocent, law-abiding drug users. Too easy if you ask me.

I've got a better theory. Zombie virus.

That's right. Zombies. Can't live with 'em. Can't kill 'em because they're already dead. What is it about the zombie that keeps us begging for mercy and begging for more? Is it the cannibalism? Is it the cool grungy outfits? Well, we've been talking about them, making movies about them, mocking their techniques, and now they've arrived and are living among us. I don't know if the zombie virus is in the water, the bath salts, or both, but the point is: no one is safe.

I say that if you can't beat the zombies, join them. This Halloween, say hello to your new undead neighbors with super scary Zombie Halloween Costumes. From child to adult, these Scary Costumes are coming back to life in a major way. There are so many different kinds of zombies to choose from. You could be a robed zombie, a suited zombie, a doctor zombie, or a zombie still looking for gainful employment. You could even carry around a "foreclosed" sign or your zombie resume for a unique Recession Zombie look. Zombie unemployment is an issue not usually discussed in public discourse. Nothing will change if there's not a dialogue.

I once dressed up as a Zombie Bride for Halloween, complete with pale green face paint and dead bouquet of flowers. I went around moaning things like "Preeeeeenuptial Agreeeeement!" and "Aaaaaalimony!" Keep in mind that I was around 12 at the time. My costume was a major hit and proves that Zombie Costumes aren't just for grown-ups. There's nothing cuter or creepier than a Zombie Child. Get a Kids Zombie Costume and have him or her hunting for brains in no time.

No matter how you do it, get yourself infected this Halloween with a spooky Zombie Costume. With the world ending in 2012, you'll be all ready to greet your zombie overlords when the time comes. Live it up the dead way this holiday season with one of these terrifying costumes!

Zombie Halloween Costumes -
Scary Costumes -

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Are You Ready For The Zombie Apocalypse?

Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse?  You can prepare yourself by visiting Zombie Infested World and shopping for zombie survival kits, weapons, zombie movies, zombie books, zombie apparel, and more. We have everything you will need to get ready for the zombie apocalypse at low prices.  We also offer zombie apps including The Walking Dead: Dead Yourself.  Check out everything we have to offer!

Host a Halloween Horror Movie Party


Halloween has become the spooky fun holiday for kids to adults and teens in between. Why? When else do you get to indulge in overeating on candy, dress-up in costumes, paint your face and be someone or something that you could never be in real life? Like all holidays, hosting a party is a great way to celebrate Halloween. Hosting a "horror" movie night is a way to gather friends and family for an evening of refreshments and watching some very spooky movies together.

Here are some ideas to make this a very unique Halloween night for your guests:
Movie Theme
Attempt to find movies that represent Halloween, that are spooky, suspenseful, scary etc. You will find all kinds of movies available from "dark comedy", vampire romance to gory horror as well as thrillers that really send chills. You should have at least 3 to 4 movie selections and maybe more incase some have been seen by majority of your guests. Try picking some of the top vintage horror/thrillers to provide a better selection. Take into consideration your audiences' age, especially if young children are included. Save the really scary movies for the late night older guests.
Haunted Ambiance
Lighting is very important to any scary Halloween scene. So keep your lighting dim, play with colored light bulbs to give a shadow or dark effect. Consider candles. Choose various halloween decorations to create a special haunted place which adds to the eerie ambiance. While lights will be low, make sure that there is sufficient light to bathrooms and where refreshments are served. Try using strings of glowing or flickering Halloween lights.
Media Room
Ensure that everyone has a comfortable place to sit or lie to watch the movies. Use Lawn chairs if you must but do have adequate seating and attempt to place chairs so that every seat has good viewing. Provide pillows and throws for those whom need something to hide behind. Pillows on the floor will help provide alternate spots for those whom cannot sit for long.
There are lots of special Halloween recipes for refreshments. Depending on the time your party begins will help determine what you will serve. If early in the evening, than you may want to do pizza, later in the evening after attending to the "trick and treat group", than finger foods, munchies are probably more in tune for your party goers. When keeping the room darker, ensure that the food is placed in areas that are easily accessible. Try to serve food and drinks that if spilled will not stain.
To dress up or not? Halloween is the one time a year that you get to dress and behave in a very unusual manner so take advantage of it. By having your guests dress-up in Halloween Costumes adds a special highlight to the evening. It is a Halloween Party after all. You can do a theme ie. Vampire Costumes and than show Vampire related movies.
With a little imagination and planning, the Halloween Horror Movie Night can easily become a tradition in your home and one that your friends and family will look forward to each year.
There are some great ideas of Costumes available to go with your Horror Movie Night. With halloween being the most important dress-up party of the year, you will want to look your best in a costume to die for. A classis Halloween tradition, that just keeps getting hotter and sexier, Gothic Vampires never go out of style.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Zombie Infested World - Burn Tutorial - Using Latex For A Burnt Wound Effect

Ok, I didn't take any WIP photos of this one as it was done in educationalpurpouses for a makeupstudent of mine; there was no time=/

Anyways, I thought I'd explain alittle what to do to get this result, and go through the process:

First off rip of a couple of papertowel-pieces the size of the desired 3rd-4th degree burn (the curtled and open skin/wounds).

Apply a coat of wet latex to the skin (shave the area and wash with alcohol or something like it first) and applty the first layer of papertowel evenly over the skin.
(Use nontextured soft papertowels for this)

cover the applied paper with a thin layer of latex and apply the second layer of paper, this time you either stretch the skin and previously set layers of paper+latex in the OPPOSITE direction the nervthreades and muscles run across the body (in this case the muscles run from the elbow towards the hand, and so you need to stretch the skin across the arm instead of along it) and apply the paper, or you shape the paper as such before you let it dry. Cover with latex.

Last layer of paper. use small pieces of paper this time and apply them with latex in a NON-even fashion. You can mass them up into small disgusting sausages or rip them up as you go, either way, the unnaturallook of this last paper-layer will be mended by more latex:)

If you want some heatblisters or open wounds in this part of the wound cut them up now. Take a pen or something not lethally sharp but not rediculously blunt and peel a hole in the paper/latex. Now either cut a hole of it with like a nailscissor or something if you want the skin to have fallen of (fourthdegree burn only) or peel a little hole and fold the edges in to make a heatblister (mainly third degree burns). The one I've made in the middle is a radically big Heatblister (to explain and show how to do it to the people present) and the smaller ones are skin losages.

Do all of your desired BIG wounds at this point and when you are done lay a coat of latex over it all. Thin coats in the wounds and thick coates over the 3rd layer of paper (to smoothen the surface into a base from which to process further later on)

Be sure not to latex more than like a cm out from the paper to ensure you have enough space for the 1st and 2nd degrees later on.

If you have bigger wounds like the one on my arm there you might want to start reflecting over how the flesh or even bone underneath would react to the damage. Now as I said, the one in the picture is a compliation of various methods to educate people in different ways of work, but if I would have followed a specific line I would have probably made the bone underneath the skin somewhat burnt as it is so exposed and the 2nd degree burns more "wet", but enough about my life for now, just imagine(or google... ) what a real wound would look like and how the body reacts to this type of offence.
Where does it bleed the most? what type of skin roasts first? how deep does the bone lye in this part of the body? etc etc.

smoothen the edges of the wound with latex (still dont extend the area of the latex furthur than necessairy) and lay another coat over the surface of the 3rd degree and dry with hairdryer.

Once the latex is dry its time to start putting makeup on this layer (in order to propperly be able to cover it with more latex in other colors) Start of with a layer of black on the 3rd degree. make sure it enters all the cracks of the latex (for this, black is good because, even though RED will be the basecolor here, its allways better to have a darker color "shine" through than a light one, atleast when doing injuries). On with some fix-powder to settle the black color.

Now do an equal layer of red over all the black and fix with powder. This red color will now serve as our base or unhandled naked skin/musclemass. Take your allready used sponge of blac makeup and "drybrush" (WH-fans will know the meaning of this expression) black onto the textured surace, leaving the red color filling the cracks and gaps. Powder.

Now spray the wound with siliconespray and let dry. Powder again. Take a wet cloth and gently wipe and "clean" all of the powder and spray of (this will take some of the makeup off with them, but no worries, more will be applied later=))
This procedure has now rendered the top latex surface unmergable with another layer. Place ONE more layer ontop of the 3rd degree (NOT IN the wounds) and dry with a hair dryer.

Once dry, peel open the top layer of latex to create a last brigade of normal skin, rendered cinged and ripped on top of it all. Redo the process of putting makeup on the original wound to refill the gaps left by the cloth (but not too much, a little white latex showing looks great as i reseambles burned, pigmentless skin). ExTREMELEY carefully drybrush someblack over the peeled last layer of latex.

Now the basig BIG one is done, place two layers of latex around the wound (leaving aprox 1cm of untouched skin between the latexed 3rd degree and these new layers in order to be able too more easily peel ut the 2nd degree burned skin) let dry. Peel the two-leyered latex upp from the edges facing the wound. You can also make spontanious blisters along this process with some more latex, or peeling the alleady existing latex into holes of thin skin.

Put a thin just "blushing" layer of red makeup where the skin is supposed to have peeled up from. powder...

Do this proces again with just one layer of latex and peel up. Don't put any makeup on it yet though. This skinlayer is just suppose to serve as the layer of skin the body is allways ready to peel in case of "emergensies"=P so no redness or blood yet.

Now take a piece of papertowel and put minimal amounts of red in it. Use this to genty flush the skin around he wound into an irritated, reddish color to give impression that the body is now working to control this wound and fix it. Put that amount x 2 inside the 2nddegree burnpeels. N

Now take your fines brush/sponge and gently drybrush all the peeled up edges in black; the closer they are to the burn, the blacker they are. Ergo, the outer peels are almost not black at all exept in the "middle" of the peel which is the one area that has been most exposed to heat.

Take the black sponge (need a sponge for this) an gently just tap the sponge around the wounds. This ccan e done randomely, just no more than afew shades (overdid mine...).

Now goooh! I use vaseline or siliconegel mostly. Apply a thin coat of whatever you are using furstof all in the cracks of the 3rd degree. Secondly in the heatblisters and thirdly in the vasinity of the peels (right where the skin is supposed to have peeled up fro, to create a oozing effect.

Last effort: Blood. irst of we are to line the inside edges of the open wounds with "scratchblood". This is a type of bloodeffect used to create scratches and other shallow wounds and cauterized bleeding. Apply this only to the inside edges of the wound.

Brush Unmixed theatrical blood (dark) in the open wounds (not much, this "burn" type of injuries cauterize the bloodvessels almost immediatelly and leave little or none left to actually bleed).

mix theatrical blood with scratchblood and alittle (!) fixingpowder in a small container. This creates a lightred bloodcolor to then be painted in under the peels and blisters. Take a brush and paint it on, and use a finger or unused sponge to even it out and erase some (creating a great effect of newly effected naked skin bleeding shallow from every vessel) focus on the already vaselined areas near the peels=)

If you wanna create the effect i did on the bottompicture, just pull some latex off and paint this bloodmix underneat, thass awl=)

Hope somebody understood and learned something!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We Can Survive The Zombie Apocalypse As Twinkies Have Returned!

Familiar snacks like Twinkies and CupCakes, shown, are returning but the business behind them has been overhauled.
As more than 50 million Twinkies start making their way to stores next week, the first order of business for the 83-year-old brand's new owner is to let customers know a classic is back.

Twinkies return to stores next week, and the first order of business for the brand's new owner is making sure customers know a classic is back. Jason Dean reports on Lunch Break. Photo: AP.

But behind the return of the familiar cream-filled sponge cake is a leaner operation, free of the union contracts and the $1.3 billion in debt that saddled the brand's previous owners. With that clean slate, the new owner and chief executive, C. Dean Metropoulos, plans to launch an ambitious growth plan and avoid the problems that led to two Chapter 11 bankruptcies, the last of which ended in liquidation.
In his first interview about the company's strategy, Mr. Metropoulos said the new Hostess Brands LLC, based in Kansas City, Mo., will be focused on innovation, efficiency and getting more Twinkies in more places.


"Wherever you find a Snickers bar or M&Ms, you should be able to find a Twinkie," he said.
Some workers who are returning to the company are being paid significantly less than they were before the bankruptcy.
The previous distribution system involved roughly 6,000 drivers—all with union wages and pension benefits—delivering products to stores and placing them on shelves. The old Hostess distribution was governed by complicated work rules that required drivers to deliver bread and cakes on separate trucks, adding costs. Those delivery routes also reached only 50,000 of the country's roughly 150,000 convenience stores, and left some pockets around the country entirely without Twinkies.

Now Mr. Metropoulos is using third-party drivers to deliver products to retailers' warehouses, which he said will enable big expansion. He expects to reach a total of about 110,000 convenience stores by year-end—and to start reaching dollar stores, club stores, drug stores and vending machines, where its products previously were absent.
Mr. Metropoulos's workforce isn't unionized and he is moving to automate and improve the capacity of the plants, while eliminating products that sold poorly or were only sold regionally, such as jelly doughnuts and Strawberry CupCakes.
The old Hostess had approximately 19,000 employees, many of whom worked on brands such as Wonder Bread that Mr. Metropoulos's group didn't buy. The new Hostess is planning to have about 1,800 workers when it is fully staffed in the next couple of months.


Shoppers picked up Twinkies at a Jewel-Osco grocery store in Chicago in December.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters declined to comment. The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco and Grain Millers International Union didn't respond to requests for comment.
Mr. Metropoulos also nixed approximately 600 outlet stores that Hostess used to operate, where soon-to-be-stale products were sold at a discount. He said those competed with nearby convenience stores selling the items at full price, so he and his partners didn't buy the outlets, which closed in November.

A bankruptcy judge in March granted Hostess permission to sell most of its snack cake brands to Mr. Metropoulos's private-equity firm, Metropoulos & Co., and Apollo Global Management LLC,APO -0.29% for $410 million, following liquidation proceedings that began in November. The two firms wouldn't disclose their ownership stakes in the new Hostess, which also cranks out snacks including CupCakes, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs, Zingers, Suzy Qs and Sno Balls.
McKee Foods Corp., maker of Little Debbie snack cakes, bought the former Hostess's Drake's brand coffee cakes and other desserts, while Flowers Foods Inc.FLO +0.57% and other buyers split the Hostess bread brands.
The 67-year-old Mr. Metropoulos has been involved in 78 consumer acquisitions in the last 25 years, including Pabst Brewing Co. in 2011. A spokeswoman said his deals' average return on investment exceeds 44%.
The old company also was weighed down by debt, preventing it from investing in its 11 plants, all the while rivals operated more automated, efficient bakeries.
The owners purchased four of those plants and are investing $100 million to upgrade them. They plan to spend another $75 million to $80 million to open a fifth plant next year.
The debt and hefty pension obligations that the old Hostess faced also prevented it from investing in product innovation or marketing. Consumers seeking healthier products abandoned Twinkies, while those who still wanted indulgent treats grew bored of the same old assortment.
With lower overhead, Mr. Metropoulos said he can now afford to spend money on research and development.
"There's no question we want to innovate around flavors and textures," Mr. Metropoulos said.
He's already invested in making some of the existing products richer tasting. For example, the company reformulated the CupCakes with dark chocolate rather than milk. Those and other subtle product changes have led to a 9% increase in ingredient costs that Mr. Metropoulos said will be offset by production efficiencies.
The new Hostess also plans to pour money into marketing. A multimillion-dollar marketing campaign dubbed "The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever" will tout the Twinkie's return via outdoor banner ads, a Hostess food-truck tour and social media.
Mr. Metropoulos said he and his sons, Daren, 30, and Evan, 32, who will be involved in promoting the brands, also will likely use "guerrilla" marketing techniques. Celebrity pitchmen are likely.
After Metropoulos bought Pabst, it enlisted comedian Will Ferrell to pitch Old Milwaukee beer. Pabst has also focused on promoting its regional brews, such as Lone Star, in Texas, whose sales have increased 26%, on average each year since 2011, according to a spokeswoman. Professional wrestlers endorsed Chef Boyardee, a brand Mr. Metropoulos revived before selling it and other packaged foods toConAgra Foods Inc. CAG -0.59% in 2000 for $2.9 billion.
Mr. Metropoulos said he expects to quickly achieve sales of $1 billion, equal to sales the products had prior to liquidation, and that he expects the business to be profitable in the first year of operation.
But first, the Twinkies have to reach their destinations. "I worry about it all the time," said Mr. Metropoulos, who said he got far more orders than he anticipated.
In addition to the 50 million Twinkies that will be shipped to 100,000 stores in the first two weeks of the launch, Hostess has gotten orders for nearly 40 million Hostess CupCakes and 6 million bags of Donettes, which are small donuts. The four bakeries are running two shifts a day, seven days a week to fulfill the orders.
"I do have concerns" about glitches, he said. "We have living people making products with lots of ingredients and trucking firms we have to rely on, but we feel confident."
In coming months, he said, Hostess will also start developing healthier products. Mr. Metropoulos said they could include whole grains, come in the form of lower-calorie snack packs, be gluten-free or contain stevia, a natural sugar substitute.
"Those are the categories we're exploring," he said.
Write to Julie Jargon at
A version of this article appeared July 9, 2013, on page B1 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Maker of Twinkies, Free of Unions And Heavy Debt, Maps Expansion.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Zombie Apocalype - The 10 Best Vehicles To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse

We’d advise you to start saving for one of these rides now, but let’s be honest, by the time you could afford most on the list it would be too late (what with the zombie apocalypse here and all). If you find yourself searching for the ideal vehicle to keep your ass alive, however, these would be your 10 best options:


While traversing a grim and rocky landscape, you’re going to need some essentials. The Sportsmobile 4WD Vehicle allows you to load up on Coke and Slim Jims for your delicious survival while you find paths to get to whatever city is left. It’s the most badass van that doesn’t have B.A. Baracus chilling in the back. (Link)


This ride is built for the deserts of the Southwest United States, which is exactly how we picture the whole world looking in the not too distant future. With a Corvette engine, a Ford truck rear and an F150 steering wheel, the Local Motors Rally Fighter is like the work of a mad auto scientist. Just tell your friends they’ll need their own ride. Who are we kidding, your friends will be dead. (Link)


Let’s get real for a sec, chances are the zombies are going to win. If you’re going out, you might as well go out in style. Even pick up some hot zombie ass along the way. (Link)


For luxury and ruggedness, look no further than the Knight XV. Just don’t let your hatchet nick up the leather. (Link)


Can zombies swim? This question has spurred more web fights than the usage of there, their and they’re. We’ll play it safe with the amphibious Python.  (Link)


This is what a doomsday bike looks like. If tight passages are going to pose issues, the Rocket III is what we want. From takeoff to braking, everything is top of the line. Carrying a lot of supplies will be an issue, but we’ll just swallow a bunch of June bugs while we ride. (Link)


As Mercedes-Benz says, the Unimog offers “absolute off-road supremacy.” Since it’s designed to perform in disaster emergencies and the harshest conditions, we’d have to imagine the Unimog is as dependable as it is fun to say. (Link)


Just because it’s the end of the world doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun, right? Sure you’ll probably be pegging it as long as possible and wishing you had a car, but a Gnarboard is still the only skateboard we’d trust when streets are less than ideal and our legs are weak from a lack of nutrients. (Link)


With a top speed of over 250 mph and a 0-60 time under three seconds, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport is damn fast. If you need to get out of a hoard in a hurry, it’s your best bet. Where you’ll find the gas to keep refilling it, however, is up to you. (Link)


Without the 5-0 ready to issue you a hefty ticket and make you recite the alphabet while standing on one foot in your underwear (assumed), staying on the road would be pointless. With this Benz and its 18″ of ground clearance, you’ll make your own roadways. Plus, the surprising agility will allow you to keep your windshield clear of Walker guts. (Link)

Cool Material

Zombie Apocalypse and How to Get Ready For the Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Survival Kits:

Everyone has their own idea of what could happen, what could be. It's important to always be prepared, even if nothing does end up happening, at least you know you're prepared and ready for the worst, just in case. Many people believe that there could be a zombie apocalypse, which is a particular scenario in which zombies would take over, with the breakdown of society as a whole, as the result of the zombie takeover.

The specifics of such a scenario tend to vary from one group of people to another, but the general idea remains the same. If you are one of those many people who think this could be a possibility in the future, you likely want to make sure you're ready, in case, and know what to do to protect yourself and your family. One of the best ways to do this is to get yourself a zombie apocalypse kit.

This kit includes everything you need to survive if zombies were to take over. That includes different items, depending on the particular kit you purchase, but typically included are weapons, food, and armor. A machete is a particularly common weapon found in these kits. This way you cut your way through the angry mob of zombies. A machete is one of the strongest, most durable types of weapons available, and is definitely one you're going to want to have by your side during this apocalypse.

Your kit may also include an axe, and a survival handbook detailing everything you need to know about the living dead and how to defeat them and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Additionally, you could find anything from protective gloves or face masks to night vision goggles and more, there are plenty of items to help keep you safe.

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Get Ready For The Zombie Apocalypse!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Everything You Need to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

There's no question that zombies are all the rage these days. Zombies have been a part of entertainment for many years and there are few things within pop culture that are more intriguing and popular as zombies.
While their popularity has seemingly reached a fevered pitch, there have been some suggestions that zombies are actually more than interesting and entertaining tales of science fiction and horror. It seems that more people are taking zombies seriously and with zombie news reports being more in the spotlight, the question many people ask is whether there is credibility to the existence or the danger of zombies.
Perhaps part of the questioning over the scientific possibility of zombies is due in large part to its popularity in today's culture. From video games such as call of duty to popular television shows and recent movies that have zombie themes, zombies are the hot ticket right now. However, regardless of how popular zombies have become, does that somehow correlate into the plausibility of some sort of zombie apocalypse or a virus that would cause people to become soulless drones roaming the streets of the world craving human flesh?
People who are serious about the potential for zombie outbreak have been fueled even more by recent news events. Take for example the Miami zombie incident involving Rudy Eugene literally eating the face off of a homeless man before having to be shot four times by local police in order to get him to stop. Then of course, there was the story of a Baltimore college student who used a knife to slice a man into pieces and proceeded to eat portions of his brain and heart.
These events as well as others reported by online news agencies have caused zombie survival aficionados to begin storing provisions as well as guns in order to hold out during a possible zombie apocalypse.
If all this wasn't enough, the CDCs zombie apocalypse survival guide adds more fuel to the fire. To many, this lends credence to the plausibility of some sort of zombie infection. However, it's necessary to understand that the CDC has made these tongue-in-cheek approaches to a zombie apocalypse before.
At the heart of their zombie apocalypse plan in an initiative to help people to be more prepared in the event of some sort of emergency. These emergencies include natural disasters or pathogens that would negatively affect a large part of the Earth's population.
If the CDCs involvement was taken as a validation of the fact that some sort of bacteria or virus existed that could cause such a calamity, then it was done so by people more interested in science fiction and less interested in fact. The CDC has recently disavowed any position that they feel they a zombie apocalypse could potentially occur.
Whether you're a fan of a zombie survival guide or you take zombies for what they're worth, science fiction and horror entertainment, it's never a bad idea to be prepared. Even though a zombie apocalypse may not be around the corner, preparing emergency food and water as well as vital provisions is a good idea because even though zombies may not be knocking at your door, emergencies can arise that you need to be prepared for. Surprisingly enough, preparing for the zombie apocalypse is good way to be prepared for any emergency that might arise.

Zombie Apocalypse: CDC Denies Existence Of Zombies Despite Cannibal Incidents

Posted:  Updated: 06/01/2012 3:50 pm By
The horrific face-eating arrest in Miami and several other seemingly subhuman acts has many people wondering what's behind this flesh-munching wave of terror.
A zombie apocalypse, however, is not what we should be worried about, at least according to the federal government.
Over the years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a couple of tongue-in-cheek "zombie warnings," which really are just disaster-preparedness stunts. But on Thursday, the agency made it official: Zombies don't exist.
"CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms)," wrote agency spokesman David Daigle in an email to The Huffington Post.
Nevertheless, recent incidents in which humans reportedly ate human flesh have the Internet in a firestorm, with "zombie apocalypse" being Google's third most popular search term by Friday morning.
The zombie craze seemed to start with an attack in Miami on Saturday, when Rudy Eugene, 31, was killed by cops while in the process of eating almost the entirety of a homeless man's face off. The victim, Ronald Poppo, miraculously survived, but doctors are having a hard time figuring out how to put his face back together.
ZOM-BIE: n. also ZOM-BIES pl. 1. An animated corpse that feeds on living human flesh. 2. A voodoo spell that raises the dead. 3. A Voodoo snake god. 4. One who moves or acts in a daze "like a zombie." [a word of West African origin] - Max Brooks, "The Zombie Survival Guide"
Then, on Tuesday, 21-year-old Alexander Kinyua of Maryland allegedly admitted to dismembering his roommate and then eating his heart and brain.
Cops in Canada are also searching for a low-budget porn actor who allegedly killed a young man with an ice pick, dismembered the body and then raped and ate flesh from the corpse. Luka Rocco Magnotta is being hunted after he allegedly mailed some of the body parts to Ottawa. He's also accused of killing cats on video and posting the footage online.
Gawker fingered a "mysterious rash" breakout at a high school in Hollywood and other parts of Florida -- which hazmat and disease control teams still can't explain -- as further proof that zombies are taking over.
Zombie-like characteristics have been confirmed in the animal kingdom, just not in humans. A newfound fungus in a Brazilian rain forest -- called Ophiocordyceps camponoti-balzani -- is known to infect an ant, take over its brain so as to move the body to a good location for growth, and then kill the insect.
Yet Daigle dismissed "fictional viruses" like Ataxic Neurodegenrative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome, noting that other triggers have been alleged to cause zombie-like symptoms.
"Films have included radiation as well as mutations of existing conditions such as prions, mad-cow disease, measles, and rabies," he said.
But recently, some have found truth stranger than fiction.
"Action must be taken now before an outbreak!" an anonymous reader told The Huffington Post. "Zombies may be subdued by destroying the brain or removing the head. It is now your responsibility to prevent the apocalypse."