Thursday, July 3, 2014

Open-World Zombie Survival Game H1Z1 Shows Some New Gameplay Footage - Zombie Infested World

Sony Online Entertainment has released a video demo of its upcoming zombie survival game, H1Z1, that showcases crafting and driving.
Narrated by game designer Jimmy Whisenhunt, the video shows a developer playthrough of the demo originally presented at this year's E3 conference. It gives a look at the massive open world, the weather system, and the crafting. This playthrough also shows, for the first time, combat using the bow and arrows.
H1Z1 is an MMO survival game about crafting, teamwork with other players, and exploration. SOE wants to tell its own story and create its own world with H1Z1, even though the developer acknowledges it is inspired by DayZ and The Walking Dead.
It releases this year on PC, first as Early Access available for $20, then as a free-to-play game later on. You can check out our interview with SOE president John Smedley about the development of the game here.
Alex Newhouse is an editorial intern at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @alexbnewhouse

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Walking Dead: What's Next For The Governor?


[SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead.]

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Okay, we saw the Governor standing there staring ominously at the prison. What is he looking at? Is he looking at Rick in terms of I want to get that sucker? Or is he looking at the building in terms of I want to get THAT sucker? Or both?
Boy, this guy can just not get over it, can he? I guess being bested by Rick and the prison gang both in Woodbury and then again at the prison just wasn’t enough for the Governor. The one-eyed baddie disappeared at the end of last season in the wake of gunning down his own Woodbury townsfolk in a fit of madness, yet there he was at the very end of tonight’s episode of The Walking Dead, staring at both Rick and the prison itself from a distance through his one good eye. What does that bastard want this time? Why is he there? What the hell has happened to him since last season? And what is going to happen next? We went to the man-in-charge, showrunner Scott M. Gimple, for answers. (Also make sure to check out our interview with the Governor himself, David Morrissey.)
SCOTT M. GIMPLE: That is such a good question. I’m not going to answer that, but I would say that’s a good question, that’s another good question, and that’s a great question. But I will tell you this: You’ll get the answers to those questions pretty damn quickly.
EW: So what can we expect to see in the next episode?
GIMPLE: We will be really getting into who this guy is, to further define this guy. He did something very pronounced at the end of the season that defines him a certain way that affected him a great deal. That’s changed him a great deal. So we will see who this man is now. There will absolutely be a flashback element to filling in some of those blanks. More so, I would say, than we did with rejoining the prison.
EW: The Governor truly went off the deep end last time we saw him. What can you tell us in terms of where his head is?
GIMPLE: We know what he did. He killed those people. We know that Rick welcomed basically the remaining people in. That town did very much make up that man’s identity. And his purpose. And everything he was fighting for. And asking the question, what’s left after that?— we’re gonna see. We’re gonna answer that question. We’re gonna show that.
EW: When we met the Governor last season he had almost this messiah complex and really thought he was the savior for that group of people. How does he view himself now?
GIMPLE: I don’t know if I’d go with messiah complex, but I will say he was quite proud of what he had done. He was very comfortable in the identity he had forged for himself, and the purpose that gave him. Being stripped away of all these things brings him down to the core of who he is. And also, I would say the man that the Governor is in the zombie apocalypse at Woodbury is not necessarily the man he was before the turn. Being stripped of that identity puts him back at day 1 as far as who he is.
EW: This is definitely unchartered territory in that the comics did not follow this trajectory of the Governor surviving the assault on the prison and going on-the-run of sorts. Will we see any influence from the three Governor novels, perhaps?
GIMPLE: I did very much dig those novels very much. The new one just came out. I did not get an advance copy so I’m just getting into it now, but I love those first two novels, and absolutely they were inspiring. And it’s interesting because the Governor in the novels is a little different that the Governor in the comics. And of course the show is a little different than them both. I guess I just will say I very much dug those novels. We were talking a lot about those novels. I think they were inspiring to this story and there are some moments some people might sort of recognize, but it’s also pretty different.
EW: I’m going to throw your own words back in your face now…
GIMPLE: Back in my face!
EW: Absolutely! Because back in the summer when we spoke you talked about this season being like a remix because you were going to take big moments from the comics and incorporate them into the show but in new and different way, kind of like what we saw with Tyreese. So does that remix approach still hold true here in terms of what we may see with the Governor?
GIMPLE: It’s interesting because a lot of that remix stuff I spoke about, I pointed at different elements. like here’s this from the comic in a different way and here’s this from the comic in a different way. I’ve read the comics for so long now — first as a civilian and now working on the show — that sometimes I even forget the stuff that winds up in there being remixed. But with the Governor, absolutely there is stuff like that that fits under the umbrella in terms of what we might see coming up.
EW: It’s been a while since we’ve seen this guy. Is it nice to have this chess piece back in play?
GIMPLE: I am just very excited to dig into this character and that people will see all sorts of sides of him that we hinted at before. Just as I was totally curious about the audience reaction to what happened with Rick and Carol, there’s moment after moment regarding the Governor and his story where people might have those arguments on both sides. And I really want to hear those arguments. Not directly at me. I just want to overhear those arguments.
For more ‘Walking Dead’ news, follow Dalton on Twitter @DaltonRoss.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How To Dress Up Like A Zombie For Halloween - Great Costume Ideas


The popularity of the cable series The Walking Dead as well as movies like Zombieland and the Resident Evil films and even games like Plants vs. Zombies, mean that zombie costume ideas will be in demand. And a zombie costume can be as simple or as elaborate as you want.
Here are some suggestions:
Basic costume.
All you need to do is make your eyes look sunken by painting dark circles around it, put some fake blood around your mouth, then wear some tattered or disheveled clothes with dirt and blood splattered on them, and your costume is complete.
Decaying zombie.
To create the look of a zombie who is starting to decay, use white cream makeup on your face to make it pale and then highlight it using grey cream makeup around your eyes, nose and cheeks to give yourself a corpse-like skin tone and a lifeless look.

Bitten zombie.

One of the ways you can become a zombie is by being bitten by another zombie. Zombie costume ideas for zombies with bite marks involve creating fake bites using liquid latex or fake skin made from cornstarch. Apply the latex or fake skin with a q-tip in a ring and let dry. Paint the latex black and then paint the skin inside the ring red; you should also brush some red on the black area. Then add some dark blue makeup around the edges of the bite to suggest bruising; place some yellow blots at certain spots to make it look more realistic.
Rotting graveyard zombie.

Zombies obviously continue to decay despite the fact that they have been brought back from the dead. You can go full zombie with costumes that show rotting skin with bones visible underneath them, as well as torn and tattered clothes that suggest that the zombie has just climbed out of his or her grave. You can wear breastplates simulating exposed rib cages under your tattered costume to create this horrifying effect and then create the illusion of yellowed, decaying skin through holes in your shirt and pants.
Plants vs. Zombies

This popular game helped contribute to the current zombie renaissance and is also a rich source of zombie costume ideas since you can come as a Conehead or a Buckethead zombie or even a Football or Digger Zombie simply by wearing a generic zombie mask and then adding the appropriate accessories for the scary look.

Are Zombies Attracted to Second Hand Smoke?

Posted: Aug. 23rd. 2013

Are the Undead Attracted To Second Hand Smoke?
Posted August 23rd, 2013
ZWN (AP) Ahsis, Briitish Columbia
In the remote Canadian town of Ahsis, British Columbia, there has been an unusually high amount of reported zombie attacks. With a population of only 562, almost everyone in the town knows someone who has either been attacked by or turned into, a reanimate.

However, there is one facet in particular that has scientists studying this small town. That is the realization that almost all of those attacked were habitual smokers.
Darrel Drake, a 48 year old resident of Ahsis, was well aware that there had been reports of undead activity in the region. He and a neighbor helped capture a female undead only the week before. Local police advised them to remain vigilant because there was also a police report of at least one more roaming female zombie and an undead child.

They knew the procedure. All night lights out in any unused parts of the house. No loud noises such as TV or music. No cooking of meats unless all windows were closed. Anything that might attract a zombie had to be considered. All children and pets had to remain indoors.

However, Drake was a habitual smoker. 20 a day as a rule. His wife, Jennifer did not allow smoking in the house. And so despite all warnings, Drake would venture outside into the garden and sit under his favorite tree.

No lights. No sound. But he would light up. 
He was fatally mauled by the adult reanimate assailant, who authorities were tracking on July 27th. So savage were his injuries that he didn't reanimate. His upper torso, head and brains were almost entirely consumed.

Studyshows connection
The reason this incident caught the attention of the media is that it ties in with a recent study by the the New England Journal of Advanced Necro-Mortosis studies. In that report, it summized that undead people who were habitual smokers in their former lives, tended to be attracted to the smell of cigarette smoke. A prior sense memory that remains in their atrophied brain, still recognizes the habit and perhaps is even still addicted to the lure of smoking Nicotine.

The female reanimate whom fatally attacked Darrel Drake was later captured and re killed. Her body was autopsied and it was found that she was a habitual smoker in her former life.

In fact, 75% of all reported zombie attacks in Ahsis have been on people who were smoking at the time. All undead assailants captured were confirmed as being smokers in their former lives.

A spokesperson for the Tobacco industry denied the validity of the study. She suggested that further studies were needed and the tobacco industry was funding its own private report to be released later in the year.

Downtown Reno Nevada Zombie Crawl in October 2013

Reno Zombie Crawl

Reno Zombie Crawl

  • Frequency: Annually on the Saturday before Halloween
  • Social LinksFacebookTwitter

About the Reno Zombie Crawl

Who hasn’t wanted to take part in an actual zombie hoard!?! Nearing the end of October in Downtown Reno you will find thousands of zombies combing the streets not only in search of drinks and a good time, but also helping to support local charity and businesses.
For only $5, attendees purchase a commemorative cup and map and are treated to drink specials, no cover, contests and more at downtown taverns. Before the crawl, people of all ages also participate in a massive thriller dance!
See Website for info: Crawl Reno

Find the perfect Zombie Costume for the Zombie Crawl!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Follow our Zombie Infested World Board on Pinterest!  We  have pinned lots of great Zombie items such as Zombie Costumes, Survival Guides, Zombies Images, Zombie Books, Movies, Apps, Games,  Toys, and More!  Join us today to get ready for the Zombie Apocalype!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The latest Zombie Movies of 2013 and 2014

The latest Zombie Movies of 2013-14

World War Z with Brad Pitt
Zombies have of late gained a large amount of interest in pop culture. The reasons might be myriad - a morbid fascination with apocalypse situations, a metaphor for the way that most people allow themselves to be herded like sheep, a growing fear stemming from recent virulent diseases that have wreaked havoc on populations. Whatever the reasons may be, Zombies now have their own genre despite seeming mindless, no pun intended.
Though first featured in White Zombie (1932), it wasn't until the premier of Night of the Living Dead (1968) that Zombies in movies really garnered attention from the majority of the viewing public. A slew of Resident Evil movies later, Zombie movies were regarded as a completely action and horror oriented subject. With the release of Shaun of the Dead (2004) though, Zombie movies have been explored for their comic value, thus bursting the dam on what can be done with thousands of mindless, smelly creatures all intent on eating those still alive. The success of AMC's The Walking Dead, a zombie apocalypse survival television series, has promptly brought on the year of the zombie, with more than a dozen films and ventures that attempt to cash in on the success that these undead freaks of nature have achieved. Here we take a look at some of the Zombie movies set to be released soon:
World War Z - One of the biggest zombie movies to be released yet, WWZ stars Brad Pitt in the leading role as Gerry Lane, a United Nations worker whose task is to coordinate resistance and help stop the global Zombie epidemic that threatens to tear down human civilization. Based on the eponymous book by Max Brooks, the director, Marc Forester portrays the Zombie cadres like a colony of ants whose strength is in numbers. With a budget in excess of $200 million, Paramount Pictures is set to release the film in June of this year. This is likely to set a record as the highest grosser of Zombie movies 2013-14.
Warm Bodies - Based on a book by Isaac Marion, Warm Bodies is a Zombie romantic comedy that explores Zombie love. Jonathan Levine, who wrote the screenplay and also directed the movie, ventures into the untested by providing a Zombie's perspective. Nicholas Hoult stars as Zombie who shows signs of human emotions towards Teresa Palmer's character and the movie explores the possibility of humans and zombies living in a harmonious environment. Released early February of this year, this Zombie movie has already grossed over $100 million, making this a must watch for any Zombie movies lover.
The 4th Reich - Combining the two greatest villainous entities in Hollywood, this Sean Bean starrer terrifies movie goers with Nazi Zombies. Directed and written by Shaun Robert Smith, this World War 2 era movie portrays an elite team of a British Infantry Division as they go about killing Nazis and eliminating the threat of Zombies created by Nazi scientists during their experiments to create a superior human race. Set to be released late this year, The 4th Reich is another in a long list of WW2 movies, but with a slightly undead twist.
Invasion of the Not Quite Dead - A dark comedy thriller about the inhabitants of a small island off the coast of England that is turned into Zombie death trap by a deadly virus, this is one of the more entertaining Zombie movies, written and directed by Anthony Lane is not one to miss. Starring relatively well known Andrew Ellis and Ajay Nayyar, the movie promises a unique look at how a small group of survivors face the rigors and challenges of escaping Zombies.
Wyrmwood: This is an Australian movie set to be released in late 2013, with post-production work going on. The movie is styled after the Will Smith starrer I AM LEGEND, and falls in the action category of Zombie Movies 2013-14. Written and directed by Kiah Roache-Turner, the movie stars Jay Gallagher, Bianca Bradey and Leon Burchill. The story revolves around Jay Gallagher, whose character loses his family on the eve of a zombie attack. He teams up with a friend and together they drive through the Australian Bush to the safer interiors, battling the undead on the way from the comfort of a fortified van. This movie seems to have a better storyline when compared to many of the other Zombie movies 2013-14 has to offer.
R.I.P.D - Also known as Rest In Peace Department, is a Zombie action comedy that has a star studded cast. Ryan Reynolds plays a recently murdered cop and joins the likes of Kevin Bacon, Jeff Bridges and Mary-Louise Parker who along with others and forms a team of undead police officers. With a release date in mid July 2013, this Zombie film portrays the undead as the good guys who use their undeadness to fight crime. Directed by Robert Schwentke who has blockbusters like Red (2010) and The Time Traveler's Wife (2009) under his belt, this is one of the better Zombie movies 2013-14 and is sure to exceed all expectations.
The Harvard Zombie Massacre - Another Zombie movie that is presently in pre production, it is set in a Harvard University campus overrun with Zombies. The twist that sets this movie apart from the rest of the Zombie movies is that these particular Zombies aren't as mindless as one might suspect. Produced by Warren Zide of American Pie and Final Destination fame, the film chronicles how America's most brilliant minds can survive an onslaught from the most brilliant Zombies. This horror comedy written by Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit will be released late 2013 or early 2014.
Movies set for release in 2014:
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - An adaptation of the classic Jane Austen story of a woman's quest for independence and love, the screenplay has been reworked to include her fight to eradicate a growing Zombie threat. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy are provided with zombie flavored distractions from their pristine 19th century English manors and questions of morality and marriage are superseded by the need to survive. Though the film is still in its planning stage, its unique twist ensures that it will generate a great deal of interest, and not just with zombie movies lovers.
The Curse of the Buxom Strumpet - A dark comedy set in the early 1700's and starring Sir Ian McKellen and Dame Judi Dench, this Zombie movie focuses on the accomplishments of a lord of fictional Upper Trollop, a small town in Oxfordshire, England. Based on E'gad Zombies!, a short film by the same director, Matthew Butler who worked with Ian McKellen, this movie promises a showing like none other, partly due to the tremendous acting talent and also due to the unique settings. Set to be released early 2014, this is one of the Zombie movies that will set itself apart from the rest.
The zombies are taking over the movie theaters and cinemas, after the last few years which were dominated by the vampires and werewolves. Every big Hollywood studio and the not-so-big ones, not to mention the independent movie makers are trying to cash in on the latest craze for the undead, set off the by the popular television series. Zombie movies are invading the cinemas and theaters around the world and there seems to be no stopping the undead, anytime soon.
I am a freelance writer. Writing is my passion and I love doing it.
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